Welcome to the Audio Teaching Page for the series The End Time Promise. If you are looking for The End Time Promise Videos click HERE.
1. End Time Introduction. The Kingdom of God operates not by human principles, but by God’s higher ways. He trains us to wield authority as His Royal Priesthood, and to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. The same is true as we move toward “Part B” of the story, the return of the King “to restore all things.” As the present age comes to a close, it is important that we reconnect with God’s original statement of intent: He wants to bring all of Creation to reflect His original intentions. The videos of George Otis show, in the 21st century, what this looks like, as God brings pieces of His Creation into divine transformation. As we co-operate with Him to invite Him into our cities, counties and countries, we must remember that the Kingdom comes as a result of struggle. In the end, the whole world will suffer “travail” leading to new birth. The end result will be well worth the struggle.
2. Recovering Apostolic Teaching. God continually leads us back to the Bible to connect with His original vision as revealed to the apostles and prophets of old. Unfortunately, the Church lost the original vision of the Kingdom of God during the fourth century, when the Roman Catholic Church sought to supply the Roman Empire with an “official religion.” Christianity became no longer a Kingdom, but a religion, under the control of an official clergy. The Roman Church created a new eschatology that did not portray Jesus coming back at the end of an epoch of history “to restore all things,” as Peter had proclaimed. Now, in the name of Peter, the Church let go of the whole concept of Jesus returning to restore anything. “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done” became simply a religious prayer that we should pray as good Christians—with no serious expectation or promise behind it. But it is time to return to the faith of the apostles and prophets of the Church prior to the rise of Catholicism.
3. The Gospel of the Kingdom. In Ephesians 1, the apostle Paul lists seven ingredients in the Gospel of the Kingdom, of which the salvation of our souls is only one. The purpose of the Kingdom of God is not “salvation,” but that “Heaven and earth will be united under one head—Jesus Christ.” “Creation will be liberated from its bondage to decay” through the intervention of “the last Adam.” “He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet.” At the heart of the Kingdom of God is a new authority for transforming the earth around us. When Jesus returns, the renewing of all Creation will surge with new energy and power. Just as Jesus took care of the problem of sin during His first advent, during His second advent, He will destroy all satanic deception. Imagine what that will look like!
4. The Rise of A-millennialism. Teachings 4-7 deal with the history of eschatology. My teaching begins by portraying the rejection of the original idea–that Jesus will return historically to restore all things—in preference to a new doctrine, which has been called a-millennialism (which means “no millennium.”) Under this new doctrine, Jesus will not return to the earth, except to judge it. There will be no restoration of anything, and no reign on earth for any purpose whatever. The only reign we need to be concerned about is the reign of the Pope, who is the vicar of Christ on earth. This view rejects entirely the promises of the Old Testament prophets (one of which portrayed the Kingdom of God actually replacing the Roman Empire!) More recently, various Christian leaders have tried to restore bits and pieces of the original teaching of Jesus, thus creating new eschatologies in various parts of the Church during recent times. But now I believe it is time to restore the whole promise of the Second Coming in all its integrity, as the apostolic Church accepted it.
5. Allegorical or Predictive? Beginning with Isaiah, we have prophecy that describes the rise and fall of earthly empires. All of these empires were future to Isaiah, though to us, they are historical. All of the prophecies of Isaiah except those that concern what is yet in the future, have come to pass, demonstrating that they were intended to be taken literally, not allegorically. It is therefore irrational to suppose that the prophecies that have not yet taken place were intended to be purely allegorical—prophecies about Christ and the Church.
6. Postmillennialism. With the worldwide great awakenings of the 19th and 20th centuries, followed by the missions movement, there came a great hope that God was going to win the whole world to Christ, purely by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in spiritual awakening. Thus, the Church would grow and grow and take over more of the world until finally, there would be a thousand years of Christian victory and world peace, through the advance of the evangelical Gospel, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Soon some Christians began to believe in a “millennial reign of Christ on earth, not through the Pope extending his power, but through the power of God in the Holy Spirit working through evangelicals. This “millennium” was not going to happen by the physical return of Jesus, which would happen after the Church had won the world to Christ. So this eschatology has been called “postmillennialism.”
7. Dispensationalism and “Left Behind” Theology. John Nelson Darby, a member of the Plymouth Brethren, invented yet another eschatology that moved Christians back to a belief in the physical return of Jesus to reign on earth for 1000 years. But before that happens, Darby claimed, Jesus would come back for a secret “rapture of the Church,” prior to, or during, a period of great tribulation at the end of the time of the Gentiles. While Paul pictured (I Thess. 4:17) the “rapture of the Church” as the very final event associated with the return of Jesus, Darby proposed another rapture that is not actually described anywhere in the Bible. Dispensational premillennialism historically may have been a necessary chapter in the story of God reintroducing the original teaching of Jesus about His coming “to restore all things.” However, Darby’s unique eschatology does not picture Jesus returning to transform the earth, but to take Gentile Christians away to heaven—a different idea altogether from that taught by Jesus and the apostles.
8. The Jewishness of Jesus. At the same time that Rome turned Christianity into the official religion of Rome, the popes of that time created a new idea about how Jews and Gentiles relate to each other. Replacement theology came into existence. No longer are Gentiles grafted into Israel. Gentiles are replacing Israel as the people of God. Messianic Jewish congregations disappeared. Eventually, all forms of Jewishness were treated as a punishable offense. All the eschatologies from the fourth century on were created out of a background of replacement theology. As God brings Jew and Gentile together in our day, and calls into being Messianic Jewish congregations all over the world, we Gentiles must now listen to the wisdom of our Messianic brothers and sisters in Christ—who are re-introducing the true hope of the second coming of the King. It is Messianic Jews who are drawing us back to a biblical idea of the second coming of Christ, not to whisk us away to heaven by means of a secret rapture, but to restore earth to a heavenly condition. “Thy kingdom come on earth as in heaven.”
9. Focusing on the Kingdom. The original gospel of Jesus was “the Gospel of the Kingdom.” Jesus understood Himself to be the fulfillment of that gospel, and so did His disciples, the Apostles of the Church. Today, God is showing us that He has every intention of fulfilling the Gospel of the Kingdom as He originally revealed it to Christ and His Apostles. We therefore have to sift through the changes in emphasis that Rome introduced in the fourth century, and return to the original preaching of Jesus. The essence of the message is this: Jesus has come to “restore all things,” to “bring heaven and earth into complete unity under one head,” to reverse the effects of the sin of Adam by “liberating the Creation from its bondage to decay. In other words, the original Gospel was a transformational Gospel.
10. Do We Need a Christ? From God’s point of view, Adam’s disobedience reflects two problems in the human race: sin and satanic deception. The first coming of Jesus took care of the problem of sin. The second coming will take care of satanic deception. Both sin and deception must be dealt with if Jesus will restore Creation to God’s original intention. It is for these two purposes that Yeshua (Jesus) has been given authority and a destiny. We are appointed and anointed to help Him pursue the Kingdom of God by proclaiming the Cross and by announcing His victory over the Deceiver. This anointing give Yeshua His title, “the Christ,” the Anointed One.
11. Revelation Introduction. The Book of Revelation announces how Jesus will complete the tasks God has given Him, destroying the hostility and futility of the human race toward God. At the end of the story, Jesus gets rid of the Deceiver “so he can deceive the world no longer.” The Book of Revelation is not a running narrative of the end times, but a series of seven distinct visions, each showing the triumph of Jesus in a different area of concern. The subjects are as follows: 1) The Church, 2) Human History, 3) the Creation, 4) Israel, 5) Judgment on Sin, 6) Judgment on the World System and (7) the Final Triumph of the Kingdom of God. The number seven is a symbolic number, meaning perfection. Every time it appears, it refers to “that which is perfect.” Once we realize this, the visions fall into place, whereas reading them as a continuous story (linear thinking) forces them into a pattern that does not make sense.
12. Revelation: Vision One. (Rev. 1-3) Subject: The Church. A unique community because it has at its center Yeshua the Priest-King. The seven churches of Vision One are representative of the “whole, complete and perfect” Church; therefore the gifts and warnings Jesus gives apply to us as well as the original churches in John’s circuit. These messages have to do with purity of doctrine and morals, which show up as Jesus’ biggest concern for us. They also show how we are intended to interact with Jesus in advancing the Kingdom of God, right through the end of the age, and into the next age—the millennial reign of the King.
13. Rewards for Overcomers. Being an overcomer means resisting worldly pressures and popular thinking, to embrace the thoughts of the King. Those who succeed in living as Kingdom citizens will receive these rewards: 1) we will eat of the tree of life; 2) we will not be hurt by the second death; 3) we will receive the hidden manna, 4) the white stone with a new name, 5) the iron scepter, 6) and the morning star; 7) we will be dressed in white, and 8) honored in front of the Father; 9) He will make us pillars in God’s temple and 10) write on us the name of God and of His City, giving us 11) the right to sit with Jesus in total victory. Each of these promises refers to a specific blessing that God gives to overcomers.
14. Vision Two. (Rev. 4-7) Subject: Human history from God’s perspective. The Ascension of Jesus was the turning point in history, based on Daniel 7. The scroll is the title deed of the world. Jesus alone paid the price to purchase the whole world from its bondage to the deceiver. The tearing off of the seals on the scroll represents a period of time between the purchase and the fulfillment of complete ownership. Prior to the completion of the process, there will be a time of travail, to be followed by the joy of the birth of the Kingdom.
15. Vision Three. (Rev. 8-11) Subject: The Creation. The Creation itself will increasingly reflect the sickness of the human race in rebellion against God. The last (seventh) trumpet Represents the final victory of Christ. Between the sixth and seventh trumpet blasts, God downloads His special promises for His faithful ones. The “two witnesses” are based on the book of Exodus, where the two witnesses are Moses and Aaron, God’s royal priests who are confronting Pharaoh, the earthly ruler. The two witnesses may refer to the Jewish and Gentile believers, standing and praying together.
16. Vision Four. (Rev. 12-14) Subject: Israel. Israel is pictured as a woman, and the Christians are her offspring. Jews will be persecuted because they are the people who produced the King. The King returns to replace the world system (“Babylon the Great”). The King will rule from Jerusalem. The number three and a half is a symbolic number, drawn from the Book of Daneil, referring to a brief, limited time of intense persecution, like that which happened under Antiochus IV. Promises contained in the vision: perfect government and complete evangelism during the millennium. Also: precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.
17. Vision Five. (Rev. 15, 16) Subject: God’s Judgment over Sin. As in the time of the Exodus, God will provide refuge for His people as He judges the earth. He will keep His people in safe “Goshens” as He calls them to be a house of prayer for all nations. It is increasingly incumbent on the Church to reclaim its original prayer calling. A great earthquake is the last of the prophesied judgments, possibly initiated when Jesus touches His foot on the Mount of Olives. God’s people will be protected during all these painful and frightening judgments, just as the people of Israel were at Goshen.
18. Vision Six. (Rev. 17-19) Subject: God’s Judgment over the World System. In light of the inevitable destruction of the world system with all its sin industries, we should pay attention how we invest our time, carefully evaluating which works are destined to be “burned up.” The world system consists of a matrix of deceptive ideas and mind-sets, combined with a vortex of power, pulling people to their destruction. Elements portrayed: a spiritual power center, a secular government, kings, and humanly contrived religion. God’s command: “Come out from them, my people.” Trying to be well-adjusted in this world is a big mistake. Jesus warns us specifically to be on our guard against deception. We have no way of evaluating which of our thoughts are deceptive except by comparing with the word of God.
19. The Second Advent. A look at I Thess. 4:16-18, which pictures five events closely associated with the return of Jesus. 1) A loud command or roar (announcing the Day of the Lord); 2) the voice of the archangel giving the command of judgment against those in rebellion against God; 3) the trumpet (shofar) call of God; 4) the dead in Christ rising with resurrection bodies for the purpose of continuous service on earth; 5) the rapture of the Church, who meet Jesus in the air, to usher Him and His holy ones back to earth in triumph (the meaning of the word, apanteisis).
20. Transformed Hearts. Peter’s second sermon is the most concise presentation of the timeline of the advance of the Kingdom of God on earth (Acts 3:19-21). In the present age we will experience “times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord.” In the next, Jesus comes back “to restore all things.” These are two parts of the same story—the advance of the Kingdom of God on earth. The key element in all of this is: transformation. The Gospel is not a Gospel of escape (to heaven), but of transformation, God writing His laws on our hearts, and complete remaking human societies. My “Glory through Time” teaching gives a glimpse into the track record of the promised “times of refreshing.” In addition, it is promised that “all Israel will be saved.” At the end, they will say of Him, “Blessed be He who comes in the name of the Lord.” All this reflects God’s power to transform hearts.
21. Jerusalem! When Jesus said to Pilate, “My Kingdom is not of this world,” He didn’t mean that it was “in heaven.” He meant that it was not a “power and might kingdom,” like Rome. The prophets had all said that the King would return to the earth to rule from Jerusalem (Zion). These same prophets were amazingly accurate in predicting future earthly kingdoms, and the Kingdom of Jesus takes its place among those prophecies. There is no reason to think that the prophecies of Isaiah or Zechariah are to be regarded as allegories of the Church. We must, today, try to come to an understanding of God’s unique plan for the city of Jerusalem, so that we can pray according to His will.
22. Vision Seven. Most people think that the Book of Revelation prophesies the end of the world. In reality, it prophesies “a new heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells” (2 Pet. 3:10). The Kingdom of God is “the renewal of all things,” when Yeshua will bring the whole earth in harmony with heaven. Yeshua is tasked with “restoring all things” (Acts 3:19) to the original loving intentions of God. Where most people think that the Bible preaches doom and gloom, the actual promises in the last three chapters of Revelation are these:
- All Satanic deception will be removed from the earth.
- Christians will receive new bodies, to help Yeshua restore righteousness everywhere.
- Christians will be “priests of God reigning on earth.”
- Hell, Satan and death will become a distant memory.
- An embassy city, the New Jerusalem, will come down out of heaven, to be a meeting place between heaven and earth.
- True LIFE will prevail everywhere (represented by the Tree of Life).
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