Q: What’s worth doing in life? A: Devote yourself to the Kingdom of God. What I have discovered in my research is this: The kingdom of God is a complete, divinely ordained strategy for the transformation of nations. It has a unique pattern taught and lived by Jesus. This king behaves differently than all […]
New for 2014
July 1st, 2014It’s been a while since we’ve added an update for our friends. Much of the delay has resulted from trying to find a more consistent way of getting internet coverage out here in this remote location. We now have that, and can devote ourselves to managing our website better now. Hosting Virginia Natives Beginning in […]
News: Spring, 2013
April 15th, 2013NEWS: Spring, 2013 Since we’ve been completely redesigning this website, it’s been a long time since we’ve published our news. So the first bit of news is that we have a whole new website, thanks to Scott Bowen, our son-in-law. Wow: to have such talented family members close at hand to do stuff like […]
The Forgotten Awakening
April 15th, 2011The Forgotten Awakeningdescribes a widespread movement of prophecy among the tribes of the Columbia Plateau in the 18th century, and events that followed in their wake. On this website page you will find the sources from which I took those prophecies, and the complete description of each prophecy. Before you read these, I highly recommend […]
December, 2010 news
December 9th, 2010News, December, 2010 Looking Back When Carla and I first got our calling to pray for a spiritual awakening (back in 1983), B ill Bright was still alive, Mike Bickle was a Presbyterian youth pastor, and almost no one was praying for “revival.” How things have changed, for the good. In 1993, ten years after that […]
The Clearing August 2010
August 25th, 2010To our dear friends, We are so grateful for your support in our vision for prayer. There are few who understand that prayer is the ONE THING NEEDED. So thank you for your faithfulness to stand with us both in your prayers and financial support. he more we enter into the Place of Prayer, the […]