The nuts and bolt of a quiet time. Bible. Prayer Journal. Alertness. Asking God to speak. Then I describe in detail the most ancient, time-tested approach to actually hearing from God. This is a four-step process of opening your heart to Him and His word, abiding in Christ, and letting His word abide in you.
Making Room for the Anointing
October 17th, 2019We are invited to “draw near to God, then He will draw near to us.” Jesus teaches us to spend personal time alone with God. This teaching gives suggestions for how to build into your life a daily personal quiet time. You can reserve a space in your home exclusively for God, and I encourage […]
Nurturing the Anointing
October 17th, 2019“The Christ” is Jesus’ title, not His last name. The title means “The Anointed One—“ anointed to be King. Even before He died, He was already training His disciples how to receive and minister to people as “anointed ones”—Christians, and the believers came to be called. The anointing described in John 14-16 is aimed to […]
Ask for the Holy Spirit
September 11th, 2019The Holy Spirit is the way Jesus becomes King in our lives. He is “by my Spirit” kind of King, not a “power and might” kind of King. It is actually to our advantage that Jesus went away (at His ascension, after His death), because then He was able to send the Holy Spirit to […]
Surrender to God
September 11th, 2019If our quest cannot be achieved except by “faith working through love,” genuine love requires an act of surrender. We have to stop being in control; we have to surrender our lives to God. Let go and let God. Then we can gain a peace unavailable anywhere else. Some find surrender easier to accomplish than […]
The Quest
September 11th, 2019People by nature are on a quest for abundant life. America and the West have achieved a great abundance in our life-style. Yet despite these obvious advances, there is a level of brokenness and disillusionment that is confirmed by statistics. Incarcerations, addictions, suicides, broken homes, even health statistics are not what we would have hoped […]
Why Walk with God?
September 11th, 2019For me, the four most important rewards for a life of walking with God are these: Walking with God positions us to learn our true destiny, for which He created us in the first place. It enables us to form stable relationships with people, because we learn to depend on God, not people, to be […]
For Pastors
March 29th, 2019I tell stories from my 35 years as a pastor, in which I devoted a significant part in the rewarding work of making disciples, “teaching people to obey what Christ commanded.” I also tell the story of the Hebrides Revival, when, according to one of the leaders of it, the presence of God lifted when […]
For Christian Believers
March 22nd, 2019I tell several stories of Christians who reached out to lost people (or to people who are experiencing spiritual awakening) and established a long-term relationship with them, as Jesus did with His disciples. Keep an eye out for people you can invest in to teach them how to follow Jesus. It’s the Great Commission, straight […]
For Enquirers
March 15th, 2019When I was searching to step over into a walk with God, I needed someone to help me negotiate the step. This step was a big one! God provided just the person for me. I believe God can provide someone like that for you, and I encourage you to look for that person, and take […]