THE SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD Exactly 40 years and eight days ago, my wife and I were called to begin praying daily toward the next Great Awakening. At the end of the forty years, we had a sense of “well done” from God. A week later, Revival broke out at Asbury University, and began spreading out […]
The Matrix
March 7th, 2023The Matrix (The Matrix) It was a mystery to me at first. As I researched the history of God’s mighty deeds, I found story after story from eyewitnesses and Revival historians going back centuries. And yet practically every one of these stories has been forgotten by the Christians of today. Hundreds of stories tossed casually […]
When Revival Does Not Happen
February 6th, 2023When Revival Doesn’t Happen We in the United States have a unique history. We live in the only country in the world that has enjoyed a steady stream of Revival tides from God during its entire history. The first of these was known as The Great Awakening because it was an outpouring of the Holy […]
Prophets of Old
January 8th, 2023PROPHETS OF OLD A major theme of my next book is that the kingdom of God advances by moves of the Spirit of God, not by worldly power. Most of us look back at the Protestant Reformation as a transition from “Catholic” doctrines and church government to “Protestant” doctrines and church government. But in my […]
Classroom of the Ages
December 7th, 2022Classroom of the Ages I just passed a milestone yesterday: I completed my second volume of Glory Through Time, the series that traces the movements of God’s power down through the ages. I have a sense of a major task completed, which I’ve been working on for years and years. All that’s left is to […]
November 14th, 2022Opposition! You would think that Christians would be in favor of Revival. After all, Revival tides are where King Jesus becomes wonderfully present, attracts large numbers of new Christians to Himself, writes His laws on many hearts—in short, He advances His kingdom during these seasons as at no other times. And yet, every Revival tide […]
The Presence of the King
October 4th, 2022The Presence of the King 👑 There is one feature of Revivals that makes them worth remembering and studying: During Revivals Jesus becomes present in a way that He is not present at other times. You could almost define a Revival as a season of the manifest Presence of the Lord. In this video I […]
Religion, or – Kingdom?
September 7th, 2022RELIGION? OR KINGDOM? When I was a kid I had a very different idea of what Christianity is than I do now. It went like this: Long ago Jesus started the one true religion. Then He died, rose, and ascended to heaven, leaving us people to manage the religion He had started. This religion is […]
The First Revival Tide
August 12th, 2022THE FIRST REVIVAL TIDE Looking at the big picture, God has been working with us Christians over the last 500 years, to wean us away from a Power-and-Might lifestyle, and teach us His By-My-Spirit ways. He started opening up this classroom in Scotland aeons ago, by introducing a whole new pattern that I call Revival […]
The Westward Flow of Revival Tides
July 8th, 2022The Westward Flow of Revival Tides So…here’s what it comes to: You can take the stories of all these Revival tides, you can sew them together, and you can tell them as a continuing narrative. That’s my challenge this year and I hope to have completed it by year’s end. And as you trace this […]