By My Spirit. Jesus fulfilled the ancient king-prophecies, but declared that His kingdom was not “of this world.” It was not a “power and might” kingdom, but a “by my Spirit” kingdom. My teaching articulates seven features of how His Kingdom operates—the basic patterns of real Christianity, which entered into the Roman world to transform […]
Letting God Speak Daily
October 17th, 2019The nuts and bolt of a quiet time. Bible. Prayer Journal. Alertness. Asking God to speak. Then I describe in detail the most ancient, time-tested approach to actually hearing from God. This is a four-step process of opening your heart to Him and His word, abiding in Christ, and letting His word abide in you.
April 17th, 2015
News for Spring, 2015 The Peach Pit Prophecy A year and a half ago, we had the privilege of hosting Doug Herschey overnight at our house. Doug is a prophetic guy who has a ministry of linking up Gentile Christians with Israel. During the night, he had a dream, and in the morning […]
Tracking the West-blowing Wind
June 24th, 2013We’ve had another amazing installment in this adventure with God that started when Bill Pagaran, the drummer with Broken Walls, prophesied that God would “bring our ministry to birth in nine months”–which meant last fall, around the end of August. First, let me summarize some new insights God showed me last fall, as He helped […]
The Forgotten Awakening
April 15th, 2011The Forgotten Awakeningdescribes a widespread movement of prophecy among the tribes of the Columbia Plateau in the 18th century, and events that followed in their wake. On this website page you will find the sources from which I took those prophecies, and the complete description of each prophecy. Before you read these, I highly recommend […]
December, 2010 news
December 9th, 2010News, December, 2010 Looking Back When Carla and I first got our calling to pray for a spiritual awakening (back in 1983), B ill Bright was still alive, Mike Bickle was a Presbyterian youth pastor, and almost no one was praying for “revival.” How things have changed, for the good. In 1993, ten years after that […]